Upcoming EXECUTIVE EXCELLENCE Course with Andrzej Nedoma

Join the Founder and ex-CEO of XTRF Management Systems ANDRZEJ NEDOMA for a 2-Day Online Event customized for Founders, CEOs, and C-level Executives!

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memoQ – The Rise of MT: What Does the Future Hold for our Industry?

Machine translation (MT) vs. human translation

When you work in the language industry, there is no way you haven’t crossed paths with machine translation one way or another, since it is one of the most dynamically improving areas of the translation industry. MT engines are continuously getting trained and becoming more accurate, thus making the translation processes (in selected areas and topics) smoother and more cost-effective. Read more

ATC Partners with AALC for ISO Certification

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ATC Certification becomes AALC’s preferred ISO certification provider

The Australasian Association of Language Companies (AALC) has chosen ATC Certification as its preferred partner for ISO certification services.

UK-based ATC Certification provides language industry expert auditing and certification services to LSPs across the world, with industry-specialist auditors and a dedicated remote auditing process.

AALC President Tea C. Dietterich is excited about the partnership, “There is a huge amount of interest in ISO standards with Australasian language service companies, and we’re really pleased to help our members on their road towards certification with a preferred, industry-expert service, as well as a discount for AALC member companies.”

“Having taken my own company through ISO certification with ATC Certification for ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 17100 for translation services and ISO 18841 for interpreting services, I can recommend it first-hand,” adds Dietterich.

The new ISO partnership forms part of a wider Memorandum of Understanding between the UK’s Association of Translation Companies[RM1]  (ATC) and the AALC, and both associations look forward to further collaboration opportunities.

ATC CEO Raisa McNab welcomes the opportunity to work with language service companies on the other side of the world, “The ATC’s ISO certification service was set up to certify LSPs to emerging language services ISO standards, and to add value within the auditing process. We set the service up four years ago with ISOs 9001 and 17100, and today we offer certification to the six main translation and interpreting standards, and a further four business and quality management standards.”

ATC Certification provides impartial auditing and certification services to the following standards:

  • Translation services standard ISO 17100:2015
  • Legal translation standard 20771:2020
  • Machine translation post-editing standard ISO 18587:2017
  • Interpreting services – General standard ISO 18841:2018
  • Interpreting services – Legal interpreting standard ISO 20228:2019
  • Interpreting services – Healthcare interpreting standard ISO 21998:2020
  • Quality management standard ISO 9001:2015
  • Information technology management standard ISO 27001: 2013
  • Business continuity standard ISO 22301:2019
  • Environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015

Find more information about ISO certification at https://atccertification.com/.


The European Union of Associations of Translation Companies (EUATC) is an umbrella body for national associations of translation companies throughout Europe, without being limited to the EU.

The EUATC provides a united voice for language services companies and promotes the highest standards of quality and business practice. It also helps to improve the training of linguists across Europe. Visit euatc.org to find information about the association and its activities, as well as the wider language and localization industries. You are also welcome to take part in discussions or to contact us.

As a truly international organisation the EUATC is a forum for translation companies, enabling them to speak with a united voice and providing them with the opportunity to lobby on issues affecting the translation industry.

The EUATC is recognised by the European Commission in Brussels. As a major opinion leader it participates in influencing European policy and decision-making and is consulted by key international institutions. It was the initiator of EN 15038, the European standard for translation services and many of its members worked on the project throughout its three-year development.

It is proactive in promoting the translation industry across Europe and is committed to developing Europe-wide good translation practice.

The objectives of the EUATC are to:

  • Promote the highest standards of quality and business practice among national member associations
  • Provide a strong, united voice for companies operating in the language industry when addressing governmental and non-governmental institutions in Europe
  • Provide support to national associations to reinforce their work providing a European perspective
  • Working with partners around the world to develop a unified approach
  • Give buyers of language services information and advice about the benefits of commissioning recognised Language Service Providers
  • Help solve common issues affecting the language industry across Europe
  • Make a contribution towards enlarging the European market for language services
  • Assist in establishing national associations of translation and language services companies throughout Europe
  • Help to improve the training of the next generation of European linguists
  • Promote co-operation with freelance community
  • Form links with related associations around the world


This article was first published in the AALC newsletter. Drop us a line and receive all articles as they are published.EUATC

All About Languages – Member Showcase July 2020

All About LanguagesSince its beginnings in 2003, All About Languages has delivered professional services in interpretation, translation, training and support to services and organisations across Tasmania. Our expert team of Interpreters not only cover over 100 languages but enjoy working with us. They share our common value of exhibiting empathy whilst conveying the meaning of the message and in turn breaking down language barriers. This is why our service is more than just words.

All About Languages was created by the late Alice Jaworski who wanted to address the need and lack of communication support to Non-English speakers. She experienced language and cultural barriers herself when migrating from Poland to France and then France to Australia. Her passion for helping others overcome these barriers has been carried to this day with our whole team helping migrants integrate with the local communities.

All About Languages is continually adapting and improving and as such, has recently engaged the latest technology to offer remote interpreting via phone or video where physical locations may have limited users of our services in the past. We also provide translation services for larger and complex projects with multiple languages including design and editing for print media to various organisations.


This article was first published in the AALC newsletter. Drop us a line and receive all articles as they are published.

New Zealand Update (July 2020)

Update on the Language Assistance Services Programme
Recently the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) provided an update to stakeholders to confirm the NAATI Standards Project of the Language Assistance Services (LAS) Programme is being put on hold temporarily to focus MBIE resources on the COVID-19 recovery.

MBIE reiterate that the introduction of the NAATI standards and certification framework remains a critical component of the LAS Programme and development of the infrastructure necessary for the roll out of the NAATI framework will be resumed as soon as possible. Quintin Ridgeway will finish his secondment to MBIE for this project and return to his role at the DIA. Future updates on the Language Assistance Services project will be provided by the Programme Manager Fran Albertario.

MBIE also advise that the Procurement Project of the LAS programme involving the procurement of face-to-face interpreting services is continuing as planned, although there may be some slight delays to the original timeline.

AALC will advise of any further updates from the LAS programme as provided by MBIE.

Welcome New NZ Member – Harry Clark Translation

AALC would like to extend a warm welcome to new NZ member Harry Clark Translation. We are pleased to have you on board and AALC hope to see you at one of our events some time soon.


This article was first published in the AALC newsletter. Drop us a line and receive all articles as they are published.